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Our Commitment

At CES, quality describes our ability to deliver on our commitments.  Our employees are committed to providing professional and technical services based on a mutual expectation with our clients.


CES commitment with our clients is to provide confidence that the results, conclusions, recommendations, and products produced by its professionals are accurate and reliable and conform to the applicable requirements, specifications, standards, laws, regulations, test methods, and codes required by  the following entities:


  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER)

  • American National Standard Institute (ANSI)

  • ASTM International (ASTM)

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  • Puerto Rico Engineers and Surveyors College (CIAPR)

Web sites and documentation from these entities are periodically revised in order to obtain accurate and updated information on a regular basis. In addition, CES has developed professional relationship with various personnel from the EPA and DNER as the result of past and ongoing projects where these agencies have provided oversight.


It is our intention that every member of CES understand that they are responsible for producing a quality product or service. 


We have established a quality assurance/quality control system with procedures which provide for review and direct oversight of projects’ execution, and documentation activities by Project Principals and Project Managers.


CES requires adherence to ethics and professional standards, to all our employees, creating a working  environment where quality is paramount. 


The Quality Assurance Manual (QAM) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are CES’ documented instructions used by the project professionals for the performance of work, in conjunction with predetermined acceptable criteria for accomplishing work activities.


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